“Our Youth Is One Of Our Greatest Resources”
Dear Friend and Neighbor,
If you agree with the above statement and that EXCELLENCE should be encouraged, we invite you to be a part of the Soccer Association of Boca Raton’s nationally renowned Team Boca Travel Soccer Program.
Celebrating our 47st anniversary, The Soccer Association of Boca Raton (SABR) provides a team experience to nearly 3,000 youngsters annually, including the Premier Level Team Boca Travel Program consisting of 40-45 boys and girls travel teams from 8 – 18 years old. Our teams routinely win our Florida State Championship and then go on to compete against much larger city’s clubs such as Dallas, New York, Atlanta, and Chicago, just to name a few. Our teams also represent the Boca Raton community by competing against these larger clubs in the most prestigious invitational tournaments in the nation including the Adidas Final Four Showcase in Texas & Georgia, CASL in North Carolina, The Dallas Cup, and the Orange Classic Soccer & Disney Showcase tounaments here in Florida. In addition, our players represent their communities on their local high school teams and the Florida State and Regional Olympic Development Teams. Team Boca is also extremely proud to have recently been selected as one of the twenty five Adidas Premier Clubs in the nation.
Some of the world’s best players, including superstars Mia Hamm and Landon Donovan, developed through grass-roots youth programs such as SABR and Team Boca. The most current player development methods are employed and the most challenging competition is sought. The motivation and hard work of these young ladies and gentlemen carries over to their schoolwork and community involvement, making them successful citizens.
We hope you, our friends, merchants, corporations, and professionals recognize the need and value of investing in positive youth efforts and will support our young athletes by sponsoring one or more of our travel teams. You will truly have a direct influence on the lives of these outstanding young athletes. Team Boca (SABR) is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization and all donations are tax deductible. Please contact Art Turpel at soc79@aol.com or at 561-212-0789 for info on the various sponsorship levels available.
We greatly appreciate your support!